Principles in the Mel-ocracy

Principles in the Mel-ocracy:

1. I don't download pirated movies/TV or copy movies for free.
2. I don't take my shoes off at the cinema and put my feet up on the seat in front - this is gross people! People's heads rest where your stinky feet have been!
3. I don't check my phone during the movie. Even if it's on silent you can still be annoyed by the glowing screen. You are not so important it can't wait 2 hours.
4. I usually stay to the end of the credits, just in case there is a bit at the end.
5. I do talk in films if necessary, but quietly.
6. I will annoy my companions by guessing the movie within 3 seconds of the preview starting, if possible.
7. If nobody else wants to go, I will go by myself rather than miss out.
8. I don't spoil endings or twists.

Saturday 6 July 2013

This is 40 - Short DVD Review

This is 40 is a Judd Apatow (director of 40 Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up etc etc) production starring Paul Rudd and Leslie Mann (Apatow's wife) as a married couple struggling to admit that they are hitting the big 4-0 and having a few financial issues, with Apatow and Mann's real life daughters as the two squabbling daughters. 

This movie is awful.  It's 2 hours of people shouting at each other or saying really awful things to each other or interacting really awkwardly.  If this is what marriage is like, I'm so glad I haven't done it.  If this is what having kids is like, I'm glad I haven't done that either.  I admit there were a few moments in this movie where I laughed (mainly Melissa McCarthy's scenes) but you can see most of them in the trailer.  This is 2 hours of my life I'll never get back and I was wishing it was over while we were watching it.  A rare fail by Mr Apatow and his troupe of usually good comedians.

I'd give this a 3 out of 10.

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